In this game, players take on the role of Lin, an enthusiastic botanist who explores a mysterious garden said to contain lotus flowers with healing powers. The player's mission is to collect and analyze samples to uncover the secrets of these plants and understand their importance to the environment.

Game Mechanics

Players will make a series of decisions that influence Lin's research direction and scientific outcomes, uncovering various secrets of the Lotus Garden. Players must decide how to collect samples, when to return to the lab for analysis, and how to overcome scientific phenomena encountered.

Educational Objectives

The game aims to educate players about biodiversity, basic botany, and their environmental impacts. Additionally, it emphasizes scientific research methods and the importance of environmental preservation.

Vocabulary and Chinese Translations

Botanist (植物学家)

  • Chinese: 植物学家
  • Explanation: 专门研究植物的科学家。

Lotus Garden (莲花园)

  • Chinese: 莲花园
  • Explanation: 传说中拥有治疗力量的神秘花园。

Sample (样本)

  • Chinese: 样本
  • Explanation: 在科学研究中用于分析的物质或物品的一部分。

Lake (湖泊)

  • Chinese: 湖泊
  • Explanation: 大片的水体,通常自然形成,含有淡水。

Research (研究)

  • Chinese: 研究
  • Explanation: 进行系统的调查以发现新信息或更深入的理解。

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